
The future….and bigass tables

You’ve got to to love it when someone with a sense of humour gets hold of Microsoft’s “what will the future be like” videos with their nauseating voice overs and adds a little honesty to proceedings…

here’s an earlier one on Microsofts Surface computer (which is rubbish incedently) by the same guys at Sarcastic Gamer…


Mivlos hits the airwaves!

mivlos-podcast-logoOk, my first podcast is now available. It’s a quicky overview of the major stories of 2008 and a look forward to what’s coming in 2009 and was made whilst sniffling with man flu so go gentle on me 🙂

I hope to try and knock these out at a fairly regular pace of a couple a month depending on the level of tech news and spare time. Anyhow, you can download it here and it will be available as a subscription in iTunes in the next week or so. let me know your thoughts and what topics people are interested  to hear about.



No more crappy slideshows! Animoto.com makes this kind of stuff incredibly easy…

[clearspring_widget title=”Animoto.com” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”49392c28da4a1321″ width=”432″ height=”260″ domain=”widgets.clearspring.com”]


The wonders of Wordle…

For those of you who haven’t seen Wordle in action you can see what it produced for my humble ramblings below. I’ve seen artwork like this take days, wordle.net takes seconds, kudos to it’s creator Jonathan Feinberg for a really smart piece of work. Head along now and create your own masterpiece…


the wonders of wordle

the ramblings of mivlos as depicted by cool graphic design...took me ages


Next article hits the streets…

Well the next part of my meandering ramblings on the past and future of interface hit the streets today as edition 2 of the iON Oxford magazine enters circulation. I’ll post a link to the full article as it appears in the magazine in the next couple of days…


The photo revolution is coming…

Haven’t been writing much as snowed under with work things…you can hear the tiny violins right?…but had to put this up. I’m involved in a project looking to transform the way we move around a photo collection in a completely new way, which is nice, but the video below shows what can happen when a system has access to thousands of people’s photo collections.

Beats a slide show…


The Canon 50mm f1.8

I’ve been having a play with a new lense my wife bought me for my birthday. It’s the Canon 50mm f1.8 and it’s ace. It’s cheap (£60-70) but so fast that you never need a flash again and since it’s a prime lense at around f8 it’s super sharp. Here’s a flickr set of some portrait shots from the past weekend all of which are playing with the aperture wide open…



the iPhone 3G dilemma


Ok, so I was awoken…and yes I’ll be honest, aroused…by a text from O2 this morning telling me the exciting news (for me this is as thrilling as last night’s wimbledon final) that I could preorder my iPhone upgrade on their website. I jumped up and ignored the groans of my wife about what a sad loser I am and popped open the laptop, where I remained until an hour ago, hitting refresh. It is now apparent that the genius of O2 has once again been realised by the ability to cock up the most anticipated cellphone launch since, well, the last iPhone launch. The site doesn’t work but suggests that you have to use it to upgrade your old iPhone…oh, and that will take a couple of weeks. No-one knows if there’s any stock left. No-one knows if you can upgrade in store (despite the convoluted language on the O2 site suggesting possibly, maybe you can several O2 shops say no). No-one, basically, knows anything. It’s not like this has taken them by suprise. His Steveness announced the iPhone 3G nearly a month ago. Muppets. I realise for normal people this is pointless and you could rightly tell me to wait for Friday (or whenever…it’s a phone), but dammit this is like being told on Christmas Eve that Santa’s been taken aback by the number of kids who want their stocking filled and has suggested they order their presents online where they will be available in 2-3 weeks.

Whine over.


The big move takes place…

Ok, since the move to doing some writing that people may actually read, I’ve taken the plunge into a proper site that can be updated from anywhere and does exciting things like databases…you’re reading it now…I’m shifting all of the old crap over which is taking a while so if anyone’s interested, bear with me and RSS the site, proper service should return this week 🙂


iON Oxford article hits the streets…

I may have taken a wee while getting it to them but my first commercial article hit the Oxford streets on Tuesday. It’s somewhat of a meandering piece covering the evolution of the interface and where technology’s heading. You can read it in full here (pages 9-11).